

Get to know the citizens


the last few days had been pretty boring - therefor no new posts.
I was just hanging around on Campus, so that my visit at the gym was my highlight of the week so far, but today topped my gym visit! 

I finished school earlier today and wanted to go to the city, when I realized that I won't have enough time there, when I want to go to the gym and see the movie tonight, so I stayed on Campus. 
Hannah, the German girl from next door wanted to visit a Coffe lab in Tarrytown and I joined her.
The coffee lab itself was really good, especially the fact that they roast the coffee beans inside the store impressed me.
But the highlight was, that suddenly a man spoke to us on German and asked us If he could show as a card trick. Dubious about the reason we weren't sure If it would be a good idea, but we agreed. 
The man, who spokes English then, showed us about 4 tricks and we were really impressed and then Hannah and me showed him a trick as well and he didn't seem to know the trick, even If I'm quite sure that he must have known the trick, and acted really impressed which made us feel a little proud. 
One trick later we left the coffee lab and headed back to the Campus to do what students do - sleep.

The message behind this blogpost is, that it's worth it to left the campus and spend an afternoon in town, and I don't mean New York City, where people just pass by, I mean the town where you live in! 
Just sat down in an Coffee shop or in a restaurant and get to know the citizens! They might tell you some really interesting things about the area and about the real America, that you won't learn on campus! 
Most of the people are kind and really interested in your background! They aren't unapproachable, they are people who might want to talk to you as well. So just give it a try! 

Edit: Oh, when I came back, out of the gym, I realized that there was a high schools sports competition ! There was a swimming competition, a volleyball game and a soccer game. Watching it was really funny, and you can get some great talks there and - which is insane for New York - watching theme is for free! 

See u. 

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